Our Rates/Services
Rate Schedule as of June 1, 2022
Rates are subject to change, Swim scheduling and In-house stays are subject to availability.
In-House Stay $48 per day – includes ADM 14% Feed or Nutrena Safe Choice, Coastal Hat, board, grooming, hoof condition and swim.
(Supplements supplied by owner).
Discounted Rate of $36 per day is available if owner provides hay and grain. .
Daily Swim $20.00 per horse up to 10 laps. After three sessions, the daily swim rate is reduced to $15.00 per horse.
After Hours / Lunch Hour Swim $15.00 per horse up to 10 laps, additional laps $1.00/lap.
Additional charges for the following:
Wound care – $10.00 per day
Surgical Rehabilitation – $35.00 per day
Hydrotherapy/ice therapy – $10.00 a day
Bandages & wraps – cost of supplies
Pick Up/Delivery is available at prevailing rates. Please call for current hauling rates
Vibe plate – 30 min session $25.00
Centurion Blanket treatment $40.00
Breathing Treatments $50 .00
Combo Packages Offered

About the Pool
Chlorine Pump
Filtration System
Hydrojet Therapy
Optional Current
Diagnostic Tool
Clear water visibility shows extension and retraction of the horse’s legs and allows veterinarians to use the pool for lameness diagnostics.

Next Steps…
Contact us today to get your horse scheduled!